Well look whos back. You know you have a real problem. Youre a chronic masturbator. Youre addicted to touching yourself! Spilling your seed all over the ground. And all because you cant help but stare at my ass. Youre so obsessed with my juicy round ass that its all you can think about. Its ruining your life. You cant go on dates anymorehang out with the guys You havent visited your mother in weeks because youve locked yourself away jerking it to my clips. Youre going further and further into dept because you cant fulfill your need for my clips fast enough. You idiot. haha I dont care about you. Youre just my little jerk off slave. I laugh thinking about you sitting there alone forever staring at my ass. You buy my clips, you tribute me, you jerk off, and the cycle repeats. You jizz on the floor before my superior ass while I spend all your hard earned money like a princess. No matter what you cant stop staring at my ass while you waste away with every orgasm and become more and more penniless. Remember, happiness is just a click away bitch.
Meana Wolf – Happiness is a Click Away
Meana Wolf - Happiness is a Click Away.mp4
Category: Humiliation