DMCA - Femdom JOI does not store any files on its server. Any intellectual property rights infringement concerning the files hosted on the file-sharing services very seriously, so please contact us if you have any doubts about legitimacy of any files placed on any of the file-sharing services. You are kindly requested to provide us with the following accurate information:
1.Describe the reason(s) why the file violates the copyright and should be removed from sharing.
2.Specify the location of the file providing sufficient information to locate the material by the file-sharing support service.
3.Declare that you have a good faith belief that the file’s placing is expressly prohibited by the copyright owner, its agent or the law.
4.Declare that the information contained in the complaint is accurate and you are aware of possible perjury penalties.
If you are a representative of the owner, please also provide the following information:
1.The copyright holder and/or owner name.
2.Contact information (name, address, phone number and email address).
3.The name of the object protected by copyright.
4.If the files in question contain audio and/or video and the copyright holder / owner is a legal entity, then please also provide your Rental Certificate (scanned version) or Certificate of Ownership issued in accordance with the law.
5.A scanned copy of a power of attorney or other document confirming the authority to act on behalf of the copyright holder / owner in his/her country of registration.
If you will not provide us with the aforementioned information please be aware that your claim could be considered as calumny and damage to good name and reputation of the web-site.
We are very much willing to assist in preventing illegal activities of any of the file-sharing services, so you are kindly asked to provide us with the most detailed, reasoned and documented information about real or potential violations.