Madam Violet - MY Pussy Mind Palace.mp4

One of those files you simply must have in your collection.This is a full and DEEP pussy-mind invasion, I will infiltrate and penetrate until your mind gapes for Me, until your mind becomes still and silent…and empty…until you can hear, in the deep recesses of your pink pussy-mind…MY VOICE. What I want you to understand is that it’s not your mind anymore, it’s My Pussy-Mind Palace.There are two Madam Violet’s the one before you with that evil glint in Her eye, and the One in your head, the One in your mind….the Madam Violet that will never leave. No matter what you’re doing, I will be there in your mind, when you ****, when you work, when you wank…whatever you’re doing Madam Violet will be in your head. STROKE.Deeply mesmerised I imbed My voice, creating and establishing a Madam Violet thought form in your mind. A real version of Me, My voice, My wants, My desires inside of YOU all the time. Soon you will not be able to tell the difference between MY voice and yours, they will merge. Becum one. STROKE as I drag My long nails down the quivering walls of you pussy-mind, MY Palace, permanent abode. FUCKING your mind from the INSIDE.Intense and unrelenting, you cannot escape My power of My influence or My voice and as the TWO Madam Violet’s guide you closer to ORGASM, I Coerce My voice even deeper into your consciousness a THICK root, burrowing, down and DOWN….As the blissful waves of orgasm wash over your body…you can HEAR ME still deep in your mind, and you know….I am NEVER leaving MY Palace.