It is very important for you to get the recommended daily allowance of porn. Begin with one hour each day and gradually increase the dosage. Mindwashing is essential. You should schedule at least one six hour session of continuous mindwashing each week. Six hours of washing will ensure that your mind is clear and completely focused on porn. You need to be deeply hip no tyzed as often as possible. You are an addict and addicts always have porn playing somewhere in their minds. Therefore, as a porn addict you are always in porn trance, whether you know it or not. Masturbation reminds you of your programming. Addicts masturbate to remind them of their programming. The purpose of masturbation is to remind you of your programming. When you masturbate, your subconscious mind instantly replays every mindwashing session. Masturbate, remember your programming. Completely focus on porn. It is very important that you get your daily allowance of porn. Gradually increase the dosage. Masturbate, remember your programming. It’s time for your regular treatment of porn. You need a dose of that powerful combination of hip no tyc dr ugs and intense mindwashing. It’s time for you to lose yourself completely for hour after hour with porn. You need to go deeper. Porn is good for you. Masturbation is mandatory. Edging is essential. Hip no sys is healthy. Mindwashing keeps you focused on porn. Porn is healthy. Masturbation is hip no sys. Mindwashing is good for you. Masturbation keeps you focused on porn. Hyp no sys is mindwashing. Edging is good for you. Porn trance is becoming completely second nature for you. Going into porn trance feels more natural than ordinary waking consciousness. It actually takes effort to avoid going into porn trance. As an addict, porn is always present in some part of your mind. Therefore, to some extent, you are always in porn trance. You take every opportunity you can to seek porn images on your screen. You fixate on porn’s images and sl e ep with your eyes open for hour after hour. Porn is a powerful hip no tyc gas, that is always seeping through the cracks of your brain. You are always slightly dr ug ged by porn. Surrender to the blissful obliteration of your mind as you fixate on the feeling of being possessed by porn. Jerk and sink into the bliss of not having any personality at all. You are nothing but a mindless porn pumper. Pump your brains out for porn. It is important that you watch porn as often as possible. You do this to empty your mind and wash your brain. Mindwashing is good for you. Worship keeps you completely focused on porn. Porn is good for you.